Cleburne, TX- A video has surfaced on the internet recently that depicts a Cleburne police officer as having shot and killed a dog in cold blood last August, after calling to it with a whistle. Although the video is indeed shocking, after some extensive research, Mad World News has determined that there seems to be a lot more to the story.
Within hours of the video getting massive attention online, there has been a Facebook page set up for the dog, calling for ‘Justice 4 Maximus’. The opening status entry lacks a bit in the grammar department, but the sentiment is clear. These people are saddened by the loss of their beloved pet and they are angry at the police officer that shot him. So much so, that they waited approximately two months before creating a page in his memory, asking for justice.
This is the story of what happened to Maximus that fateful day in August. She is at work right now and can fill in more later but here is what happened in her own words…
Our pups got out while we were shopping out of town…the cpd [Cleburne Police Department] called my phone letting me know they were trying to gather the puppies….we rushed back home to find out by our neighbor they shot one and one was in the pound…I kept calling the chief of cpd asking why this happened how it did bc he should have waited for animal control. ..He said ma’am you do not know how your dog’s act around other people. …I said ok ..I understand so I decided to request video bc I know that cops have to have camera on when shooting fire arm. …and I paid one dollar for the video and report. The cop said in the report that the pup was aggressive and growling and charged at him….then we see the complete opposite in this video…
I do not want to negate their loss,
obviously they must have loved ‘Maximus’ dearly. After all, they went to
such extremely loving measures to make sure that their four-legged
family members were secured safely outside, in what must have been the
one mild day in Texas in August, while they went ‘out of town’ shopping.
Alas, the pups found a way to escape the yard in spite of their owner’s
benevolent intentions.
The Cleburne police department has not yet released the body cam video in its entirety, likely because the investigation is still ongoing. One does have to wonder though, why the owners of the dogs, have chosen to only release a 22 second clip of the incident and none of the written report, when they admitted to having obtained the actual video and statement from the police department.
There are obviously still facts that haven’t yet come out, and I haven’t chosen sides, but I have no tolerance for irresponsible aggressive-breed dog owners that try to garner sympathy after something terrible happens involving one of their pets.
Thankfully, this time, no one was killed or maimed by one of these powerful animals that were running loose.
Contact with the owners of the facebook page was attempted. At the time of this report, there has been no response.
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