Many moving photos of wounded soldiers

These pictures of wounded UK armed forces personnel were taken by Bryan Adams, the Canadian rock musician who is also a celebrated portrait photographer.
Four years worth of photos are published in a new book, Wounded: The Legacy of War, Photographs by Bryan Adams, and at an accompanying exhibition at Somerset House in London.

I just thought I should try and be as honest with them as possible, because they were being honest with me.
  • Bryan Adams, on being asked whether he felt the weight of responsibility in capturing traumatic personal narratives

Bryan Adams
Marine Mark Ormrod, injured in Afghanistan, aged 24

Bryan Adams
Private Alex Stringer, injured in Afghanistan, aged 20

Bryan Adams
Private Karl Hinett, injured in Iraq, aged 18

Bryan Adams
Sergeant Rick Clement, injured in Afghanistan, aged 30

Bryan Adams
Private Jaco Van Gass, injured in Afghanistan, aged 23

Bryan Adams
Private Jaco Van Gass, injured in Afghanistan, aged 23

Bryan Adams
Corporal Simon Brown, injured in Iraq, aged 28

Bryan Adams
Rifleman Craig Wood, injured in Afghanistan, aged 18

Bryan Adams
Corporal RickyFergusson, injured in Afghanistan, aged 24

Bryan Adams
Sergeant Rick Clement, injured in Afghanistan, aged 30

Bryan Adams
Lieutenant Will Dixon, injured in Afghanistan, aged 25

Bryan Adams
Sergeant Mark Sutcliffe, injured in Iraq, aged 27

Bryan Adams
Corporal Rory Mackenzie, injured in Iraq, aged 25

Bryan Adams
Marine Joe Townsend, injured in Afghanistan, aged 19

(All pictures courtesy of Bryan Adams)

Read more about the photographs here.

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