Today, January 31 marks a year to the day since Nigerian student,
Ozievo Akerele disappeared without a trace leaving his widowed mother
heartbroken. The 24-year-old Masters student of Coventry University was
last seen
after leaving a nightclub in the early hours of the morning of Jan. 31, 2015.
Since then officers have released CCTV of Ozi’s last movements, issued media appeals for sightings and searched miles of the canal network and outlying area where Ozi was last seen.
Officers have worked closely with Coventry University who continue to
distribute posters asking for information and have previously offered a
reward of up to £20,000 for information which would help find the
Nigerian student who came to Coventry to take a Masters Degree in
Management of Information Technology after completing studies in Nigeria.
Ozi went out with friends to the Iglu club on Spon
Street, but left alone around 3.30am. CCTV shows him hours later on the
Foleshill Road between Park Street and the A444 shortly after making a
call to a friend asking to be picked up near to the university. Sadly
when the friend arrived Ozi couldn’t be found.
latest search involved two ‘drowned victim’ search dogs from the
National Search and Rescue Dog Association who travelled from Greater
Handler Dave March and his Collie Sasha along with British Transport
Police officer Mike Dermody and his MalinoisQuincy tracked a five mile
stretch of the canal earlier this month. The dogs along with their
handlers and two inflatable boats supplied by West Mercia Police
searched from Coventry Basin to Hawkesbury Junction near to the
Greyhound pub.
Previously Sonar equipment from the Home Office has been used
in the search for Ozi, all to no avail. Inspector Alastair Orencas who
is leading the search for Ozi. He said:
"In spite of extensive searches, investigation work and media appeals,
we are no closer to finding Ozi. On the anniversary of his disappearance
I am again appealing to anyone who may have any information to come
forward. I am in regular contact with Ozi’s mother, Irene Akerele, and
dearest wish is to have news for her to end the limbo that she finds
herself in."
Ozi left three brothers and his widowed mother in Abuja, Nigeria to travel to the UK.
After his disappearance Irene Akerele came to England to assist with
the search. She described her son as being "on the quiet side, he
doesn’t talk much, but he is a happy boy, he’s always excited. He likes
friends around him, he’s very generous."
She spoke of his decision to continue his studies here:
"Ozievo was
happy to come to Coventry University, he wanted it, he sought the
admission himself. At times now, I regret sending him out to do his
Masters Degree."
Source: West Midlands Police
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