Most men admit to remaining curious as to what turns a woman on and what
specific body parts require the most attention. It is not until several
rounds of trial-and-error that men will begin to become aware of what
turns their partner on in between the sheets. They then stick to the
usual repertoire in the boudoir. Now, Canadian scientists have found a
way to eliminate the process altogether by identifying the most
erogenous female body parts, based on touch, pressure, and vibration.
The recent study is published in the Journal of s*xual Medicine.
To investigate, the team of Canadian researchers at the University of
Montreal recruited 30 women between the ages of 18 and 35. Using light
touch, pressure, and vibration, they studied each woman’s cli**ris,
labia minora, vaginal and an*l margins, the lateral chest, areola, and
bosom. They were then compared to neutral areas on the body, such as the
neck, forearm, and abdomen.
The women were asked to lay under a bed sheet while they stimulated
various outer parts of the female body with scientific instruments. The
researchers asked the participants to rank their sensitivity to light
touch, pressure, and vibration stimulated by the instruments in each
area. Stimulation was applied for 1.5 seconds. Then, the researchers
waited for five seconds before they asked the women if they felt it.
The unsurprising findings confirmed our common knowledge and the
scientists’ knowledge about the erogenous zones in the female anatomy.
When it came to light touch, the neck, forearm, and vaginal margin were
ranked the most sensitive area, and the areola was reported the least
sensitive. The cli**ris and bosom were the most sensitive when it came
to pleasure, whereas the lateral chest and abdomen were the least.
Lastly, the cli**ris and bosom were found to be the most sensitive to
vibration. The cli**ris, expectedly, was the most sensitive to vibration
compared to all the body parts.
Overall, the female private parts were found to be more sensitive to
pressure and vibration compared to touch, which the scientists found
“interesting” since people enjoy s*x and s*x toys, according to Time
magazine. The Canadian scientists hope their findings will lead to more
satisfying s*xual experiences for women since their most erogenous zones
are now scientifically proven. They also suggest this can provide
useful information for doctors who perform chest augmentation and gender
reassignment surgery.
Feet were once thought to have a sensual connection to the private parts
due to the concentration of nerve endings in the sole and digits of the
foot. However, in a 2013 study, neuroscientists have found it to be the
least appealing part of the male and female anatomy when it comes to
studying the link between s*x and the brain.
So men, stop the toe sucking and licking, and use what scientists have
confirmed. They have better equipped you to please your woman.
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