After the big celebrations surrounding the last four holidays — New
Year’s, Christmas, Thanksgiving, and Halloween, Valentine’s Day can seem
a rather tame affair. Unless you’re in elementary school, you probably
won’t have a big party or put up a lot of decorations. But of all the
holidays of the year, this one might mean the most for your marriage.
So how can you make it a special day for your wife? What if money is
tight or you can’t get a babysitter for dinner? Relax. There are a lot
of ways of showing your wife how important she is to you. Here are 10
things every husband should do for his wife on Valentine’s Day.
Wake her up with a kiss
OK, so maybe the morning breath part isn’t so sweet, but waking your
wife up with a kiss tells her she is the first thing you have on your
mind today. If she gets up before you, leave a pile of Hershey’s kisses
on her nightstand the night before. She’ll understand the message.
Tell her she’s beautiful
You might tell her she’s beautiful all the time, or you might forget as
the years pass by. After all, doesn’t she already know how attractive
you find her? Not necessarily. All women want to be told they look
beautiful, so don’t neglect to tell her on Valentine’s Day.
Hide a love note in her purse
It doesn’t have to be long, poetic or fancy. Just a simple note that
says, “I love you,” can mean the world to her because it’s from you.
Hide it in her purse, her wallet, her pocket or some other place you
know she’ll check before the day is through.
Surprise her
The nature of the surprise isn’t important. Maybe you get her a bouquet
of flowers or you ask her out for lunch or you come home early from
work. Any kind of surprise is sure to be appreciated.
Text her throughout the day
If you can’t spend the day together, remind her as often as you can that
you’re still thinking of her. Sending her texts is an easy way to do
this or leave a voice message on her phone. An idea for your texts: each
one could list a different way or reason you love her.
Do the dishes-laundry-vacuuming
Every woman has a chore pet peeve. Do you know which one your wife
doesn’t like? If you do, take time to do that chore before the day is
through. Even taking out the trash without her asking can mean a lot. If
you can get the chore done secretly, leave a note for her to find
telling her “Happy Valentine’s Day” or “I love you.”
Do something nostalgic
As kids, you looked forward to Valentine’s Day because it means
decorating boxes or bags and getting notes and candy from all your
friends. Bring back that excitement by recreating the magic for your
wife with this fun surprise: buy a box of children’s Valentine’s cards
and a bag of candy. Address all the cards to your wife and attach a
piece of candy to each card. When your kids start comparing what they
got for Valentine’s Day, make them all jealous by whipping out a box
your wife gets to have all to herself.
Light some candles
Candlelight makes everything feel more romantic. If you can’t go out to
dinner, wait until the kids are in bed then light some candles, turn off
all the other lights, and scoop some ice cream or some other dessert
for the two of you to share.
Ask her to dance
You may not love dancing, but there are few women who would say no if
their husband were to ask them to dance. Turn on a song that reminds you
of your wedding or your first date and reminisce about those memories
while you turn slowly on the spot. Candlelight makes dancing more
romantic, too.
Give her a token of your appreciation
Traditionally, it’s nice to present your wife with some sort of gift for
Valentine’s Day. Some years, though, finances might be tight so
consider what resources you have and try giving her a homemade gift. Can
you craft a small jewelry box or write a song? Could you make her
favorite treat or detail her car?
Pull from your own talents and skills and you’ll come up with a gift
she’ll appreciate far more than any store-bought figurine or shiny new
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