Marriage is complicated — filled with challenges at every corner. When
marriage rates fall and divorce rates climb, one can’t help but wonder
whether there are any lasting marriages left…
Thankfully, many marriages exist where husbands and wives take their
vows seriously. Could you learn a thing or two from these marriages?
These 10 signs will help you know if your marriage is going to last forever.
1. You talk
The number one sign a marriage is going to last forever? Continuous communication, both verbal and nonverbal.
Successful spouses truly talk to each other, and not just small talk.
These couples still frequently have lasting conversations — just like
they did when they first fell in love. They establish a pattern of
communication at the beginning of their marriages and never deviate from
that path.
2. You’re there for each other — no matter the obstacle
Marriages are battered with challenges, small and large. In successful
marriages, such batterings still rear their ugly heads, but spouses are
there for each other no matter what happens.
Are you sensitive to your spouse’s challenges? Sometimes, those
challenges are not as evident as we’d like them to be, but your
attentiveness will pay off in the end.
3. You forgive each other over and over
Forgiveness is an underrated aspect of many marriages. Grudges are just
so easy to hold tight! But we all have our quirks, our bouts of
weirdness, our failings … we all do things that could offend at every
turn. Ask for forgiveness every day.
Recognizing your own flaws will help keep your marriage strong, but
honestly forgiving your spouse on a daily basis will solidify your
relationship. The old adage “Never go to bed angry” is still pretty good
4. You show love and charity — DAILY
Daily love and charity should come naturally if you are in love. Little
acts of love and charity are easy — a kiss before work, a little note on
the bathroom mirror, a phone call or text throughout the day, a small
act of service (and maybe another kiss or two).
Are you truly loving and kind to your spouse?
5. Your spouse is the first one to hear your news — good or bad
Do you remember when you and your sweetheart first fell in love? Who was
the first person you wanted to talk to each day, the first person you
wanted to share your day’s events with?
In rock solid marriages, this is still the case. These couples literally
cannot wait to tell their spouses any news. Spouses should never learn
important things from Facebook or Twitter.
6. You still date once a week
Dating is the glue that welds together communication, love and
understanding. If your marriage is a keeper, you anticipate that special
weekly time with your spouse.
We live in a busy, bustling world full of all sorts of things that
derail our priorities. Setting aside one evening — or as many as you can
— to be alone with your spouse is paramount to a continued successful
7. You never fantasize about being with someone else
At the marriage altar, you made the promise to cherish your spouse and
be loyal to him or her, for better or for worse. In our society, it is
easy to get caught up in the many infidelities and immodesties found in
movies, TV shows, social media… It seems commonplace in our culture to
“fantasize” because everybody else is doing it.
But solid marriages do not allow these thoughts to creep in — ever. Focus, and pay strict attention to your spouse.
8. You share your hopes and dreams
We all have hopes and dreams. Some come to life. Some don’t. But lasting
couples share their hopes and dreams with each other and then work
together toward bringing those goals to fruition. Nothing, perhaps, is
more gratifying than achieving a common goal with your spouse.
Have you shared your dreams with your spouse? Have you worked hard
together? Have you felt that connectedness grow between you, filling
your marriage with even more love and hope?
9. You commit
An unwavering commitment to your spouse cements your feelings for him or
her, stirring within you a fierce loyalty. Though our culture tends to
gloss over and minimize commitment and devotion, none of us can simply
say or do whatever we want without consequences.
Never stop working to strengthen your commitment to your spouse, for this is the mark of truly successful marriages.
10. You give up the “blame game”
In many marriages (particularly those that end in divorce) a tendency to
blame one’s partner for anything bad that happens becomes commonplace.
Fingers point. Hateful words like “it’s your fault” escape from angry
In successful marriages, couples are accountable for their own actions,
and they seek to help one another overcome challenges. The best couples
use their individual strengths to help each other overcome weaknesses.
Even if these 10 signs are all present in your marriage, things might
not always be perfect — but keep going. Your marriage will grow more
perfect every day. In the end, the overall key to success hinges on
trying to do what one very wise man once recommended doing…
“Your best. Your very best.”
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