Man abducted girl, 15, and raped her repeatedly in 32-hour ordeal
Mugshot of Mark Armstrong who has been jailed (Picture: PA)
A man who abducted a 15-year-old girl and repeatedly raped her during a ‘cruel, depraved and inhumane’ 32-hour ordeal has been jailed.
Mark Armstrong grabbed the teenager from behind as she made her way home from netball training in Dunfermline, Fife.
The 26-year-old then subjected her to ‘the most terrifying ordeal of violent and sexual conduct’ in which he raped her repeatedly.
She was eventually found at Lochore Meadows north of Dunfermline in the early hours of Saturday March 14 last year.
At the High Court in Glasgow, judge Lady Wise imposed an order for lifelong restriction on Armstrong, meaning he will be supervised by the authorities until he dies.
He was ordered to spend at least four years behind bars, but warned he will only be released when he was no longer deemed to be a risk to public safety.
The entrance to the High Court in Glasgow, Scotland (Picture: Alamy)
The entrance to the High Court in Glasgow, Scotland (Picture: Alamy)

‘Your behaviour towards that girl was so cruel, depraved and inhumane that even without any other offences or previous criminal convictions it would merit a very significant punishment,’ the judge told him.
‘The bravery and resilience shown by your victim both during and after her ordeal was quite remarkable, but the long term impact on her is as yet unknown.’
Armstrong previously admitted four charges in total, including abduction, assault and rape.
He also admitted charges of assault and robbery perpetrated against three separate women.
The court heard Armstrong had a large record of previous convictions, many involving violence, and had been behind bars before.